Cayenne and Coriander
This fiery combination of two of the most well used spices in South America, has a powerful sting to it – so it is not for the fainthearted! The capsaicin, which gives the cayenne its pungency, acts as a great pain killer. It also stimulates the secretion endorphins from the brain, which help to block pain and at the same time induce a wonderful sense of well-being. Coriander seeds have excellent digestive properties, and are good for relieving headaches caused by digestive disturbances.
Ingredients: (for 1 person, makes 4-5 servings)
Half tsp cayenne powder
1 tsp coriander seeds
4 cloves
3 cups/mugs of water
Honey to taste
Method: Place the spices and water in a saucepan, and bring to boil. Cover and simmer for around 10 minutes. Use honey to sweeten, and drink half a cup/mug when required.
Lemon balm and Basil
Both basil and lemon balm have fantastic calming effects. They provide a wonderful antidote to stress related headaches.
Ingredients: (for 1 person, makes 3 servings)
1 handful fresh basil leaves (or 2 tsp dried basil leaves)
1 tablespoon fresh lemon balm leaves (or 2 lemon balm teabags)
3 cups/mugs of water
Method: Place the herbs in a pan or teapot, pour over boiling water, and cover. Leave to infuse for 15 to 20 minutes. Drink a cup/mug when required.
Carrot, Celery and Rosemary
Carrots and celery will help to detox the system, and stimulate liver function. The distinct flavour of the rosemary will bring this smoothie to life, while relaxing any tension in the head. This can be drunk regularly as a preventative.
Ingredients: (for 1 person, makes 1 serving)
1 carrot
1 stick of celery
3 sprigs of fresh rosemary (or 2 tsp dried rosemary)
1 glass of water
Freshly ground black pepper
Method: In a blender, blend together the carrot, celery, rosemary and water. Pour out, season with black pepper, and drink.
Other herbs and spices to use
Other herbs and spices that can be added to your drinks to help headaches are:
Turmeric – this is a calming herb with great anti-inflammatory properties.
Mint – a wonderful nasal decongestant that may help to relieve the sinus congestion associated with migraine. Also useful with feelings of nausea.